Monday, June 16, 2014

Nylon 618 on the 5th gen

This stuff is VERY hard to photograph. Printing was also a few tries. But here it is at .2 mm layers : Taulman 618 nylon at 250C and "retractDistance": 1.7 and "doFanCommand": false - on the latest makerbot 5th gen profile. The large retract settings recomended by taulman seems a bit much.
The pacmen was quite large and i did a bit of gluestick on the blue tape.
Here 200 micron again. It is extremely nice to touch and seems very strong. But warping is a issue on the unheated platform. It shrinks and what can one do...
Very nice surface but a bit of delamination near the top of the head.
Warping even more at 100 microns

 But very nice detail and very little stringing. Absolutely not my last nylon !

I think you sense i ran woodfill on the same extruder right before. Also i think 250C is a bit on the hot side. i would try 240 next but i am moving on to other stuff now since the 0.2 layer test was fine for small moving parts that are the goal for this material.

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